4.9 customer rating

Freelancers love SauceOS 🍕

Start your free 30-day trial today,
and never worry about getting the right clients ever again.
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100 custom leads & 10 custom posts delivered every month. Free onboarding session. Cancel any time.
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Designed for
all kinds of creative professionals 😎

Writers, designers, developers, marketers, coaches and many other have all enjoyed the program!

You always know what to do next. And it's easy, it's precise, it's on point!

Nikol Toteva

Freelance Copywriter


There were things that you have thought of that I would never have thought.

Justine Harrington

Freelance Marketing Entrepreneur, Consultant


After the very first video, I was compelled with Peter's no bullshit approach!

Kavinda Welagedara

Freelance Strategy Consultant


What surprised me the most is the sheer amount of content. It's incredible.

Aaron Magee

Freelance Shopify Web Developer


I definitely recommend Peter's help for all your freelancing growth needs!

Peter Pajer

Freelance Full Stack Developer


Peter was shining a light on questions I never even asked myself!

Clarissa Jurumenha

Freelance Journalist

Common Questions

Not quite convinced?

Why pizza?
Freelancing is like making pizza! The base, the pizza dough is the same for everybody, but you do get to pick your own toppings!

Just like with making pizza, building a freelance business is all about making sure that the recipe, the ingredients, and the process is done right. If you follow the recipe, get the right ingredients, and you time your oven well—you will get a delicious pizza 9/10 times! A pizza, that you can then customize to your own taste with toppings of your choice.

A freelance business is the same. The base recipe is very similar for a freelance graphic designer or a freelancer developer, it's the added toppings that make the difference—and we customize your learning experience by this principle!
How can SauceOS help me grow my freelance business?
Every week your receive an email with two things inside. First, you get 50 freelancing leads (potential clients), who would be perfect fit for your freelancing use case. You also receive 5 linkedin posts written to suit your freelancing story, making it easier to stay relevant in your niche. By utilizing both of these channels (inbound and outbound marketing) we make sure that your freelance lead generation becomes effortless.
Who is SauceOS designed for?
SauceOS was designed with both beginner and advanced freelancers in mind. If you are just starting out with freelancing, you will find helpful guidance on how to build your business block by block. If you are already an established freelancer, you will find the same immense value in the leads and content provided.
Is there a training on how to use SauceOS?
Yes! Once subscribed, you gain access to our updated webinar library, where you can learn about how to use inbound+outbound lead generation, how to have a great LinkedIn profile, and how to get consistent results using SauceOS.
Do you offer a refund policy if the membership ends up not being a good fit?
You can get a refund for the yearly subscription in the first 7 days after payment.
Can I cancel my subscription?
Yes, you can cancel any time, but you will lose access to the your leads and SauceOS.
I am a freelance "X", is this for me?
Is SauceOS applicable to freelance writers, creatives, developers, assistants, lawyers, designers, animators... you name it?

Yes! SauceOS was set up in a way that all kind of freelancers can find quality leads by using the service, from all walks of the freelancing life.
How will I receive access to SauceOS?
After you subscribe you gain unlimited access to your custom SauceOS dashboard. Your latest weekly leads and content pieces are automatically uploaded here every Monday, and you get an email notification as well.
What about time commitment?
The main value proposition of SauceOS is that we save a ton of time for you by doing the heavy lifting of finding the right kind of leads, at scale, as well as getting a head start on content production with the templates LinkedIn posts. By our trial estimates, this between up to 7-8 hours of research & writing time, every week.